July 1, 2009
This attempt that we did to Nahatlatch Park, we actually succeeded. It was a really pretty ride again. We woke up and left around 7 a.m. It took the normal amount of time again ou there, but we were able to have some good wildlife viewing this time.
When we arrived at North Bend, we had to wait a few moments until the road cleared with the fact that there as a train that was crossing. We then went up the road from North Bend to Nahatlatch Forest Service Road.
Then we went a little bit further down, and came across another deer, and we photographed it. When we decided to get a little bit closer it decided that we were getting too close, and decided to run, so we had a very hard time catching a good photo of him, but we were still able to keep some good pictures.
We then went down the proper part of the Nahatlatch Forest Service Road, and we were able to get to about 23.5 km down the Nahatlatch Forest Service Road. Apparently passed this mark, it gets into 4x4 material. The road is pretty groomed, but is very rough in parts, and is not recommended for vehicles that have very poor tires, or very low clearance.
We went on the road through moose habitat,and through pristine wilderness. This is where the Rivers Edge Cottages for rent are located, as well as the main part of Nahatlatch Provincial Park. There are three beautiful lakes known as Frances, Hannah and Nahatlatch Lakes. In between the first and second lake, there is a portion of whitewater that is approximately a grade II or III rapids. If you're boating, you would be best to get out for the 25-50 m and portage if you're not used to handling any sort of rapids. The REO rafting is also around this location as well.
Overall, we had a great experience, and hope that we are able to do it again.